Learner Attainments: New page in Ontrack Staff Hub
Learner attainments, such as Smart IA assessments from CENTURY, can now be viewed in ebs: ontrack Hub. Staff members will require the View Attainments role to access the screen and data.
Learner Links Pane
Mark Register: Candidate Number in Ontrack Mark Register page.
In the Mark Register page of ebs: ontrack Hub, users can now see the Candidate Number column only when Event Type = E. This field is read-only and sorted in ascending order by default. The values displayed in this column depend on the board type used.
Manage eRegisters
Absence Reporting: Ability to submit a planned absence but not mark the register
When either a learner or tutor submits a planned absence for a learner using the Report a planned absence screen, a register mark is automatically created for that learner on the day of the absence based on the entered absence reason.
You can now specify types of register slots that should not automatically update when a planned absence is submitted, using a new flag that can be set or cleared in the Register event types reference data.
Within the register event types, a new Update Register with Planned Absence checkbox column has been added. When this is checked, planned absences will automatically update these types of register slots. If it is not checked, any register slots using this event type will not be automatically updated from learner planned absences.
Event Types
Learner Interviews: Interview Details
In the Learner Interviews page, the cancel button has been removed and transferred to the new Learner Interview Details page. The new page can be accessed through the description link on the Learner Interviews page.
IDP WAL: Added fields in Capacity Issues & Additional Learning Needs / Other changes in labels
Changes and additions to the IDP module are detailed below:
- Section 1A - IDP Capacity
- IDP Capacity has been renamed to Capacity Issues, which is still a drop-down with Yes or No options. The screen now includes an optional field, Capacity Issue Details, which is enabled when Yes is selected.
- Section 2A - Additional Learning Needs
- ALN now has an optional field, Description.
Create an IDP
Ontrack Institution Settings: New HTML Sanitizer properties
We have introduced additional institution settings for ontrack, which can be found in Institution Settings > Ontrack. These settings allow you to add custom items deemed safe, in addition to those included in the default ontrack HTML sanitization feature. Note that all other items will be stripped.
The new settings are as follows:
HTML Sanitization allowed attributes (default value: class)
HTML Sanitization allowed at-rules
HTML Sanitization allowed classes
HTML Sanitization allowed cssprop
HTML Sanitization allowed schemes (default value: mailto)
HTML Sanitization allowed tags
Ontrack Institution Settings
My Registers: FIlter options in Mark column shows the default options and redirects to new page for Mark Exam register
A new page for Mark Exam Register has been created. This page displays the following default options for reporting attendance:
Default positive
Default negative
Default late
Not applicable
Ontrack Security: Restrict the input of URLs and email content in the Forename, Middle Name, and Surname fields in UserRegistration in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub
To improve security in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub, the characters that can be entered into the forename, middle name, and surname fields have been restricted.
Not applicable
Ontrack Security: ontrack About popup screen content change
To improve security, the popup screen displayed in ontrack when selecting the About option has been altered to restrict sensitive product information for users who do not have the Screen Configuration (SCREENCONFIG) role.
Not applicable